Central High School Athletics

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Mission Statement

It is the mission of Central High School Athletic Department to inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day and to provide a comprehensive athletic program that emphasizes the development of lifelong learning, values and skills through hard work, sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.  The program is based upon open communication and mutual respect among school administration, teachers, coaches, athletes, parents and officials.  The program serves as a positive, powerful, productive force for our school, community and most importantly the student-athlete.


Athletic Department Objectives

 To provide an attractive program for the student-athlete:

1. Provide the student-athlete with an enjoyable and rewarding experience

2. Make player safety and welfare our highest priority

To give quality instruction in the fundamentals of each sport offered.

 1. Specific athletic skills and strategies

2. Sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play

To be an integral part of the secondary school curriculum.

1. Inspiring all athletes to give their highest effort in the classroom, as well as, on the playing surface.

2. To stress the importance of self-discipline in both the classroom, the community and in athletics.

 3. Teach our athletes that dignity, self-worth and self-esteem are achieved through hard work.

 4. To create a positive school climate that is enhanced when student-athletes and the remaining student population work together as a team to represent their school in an interscholastic competition.

5. Develop concepts of goal attainment through hard work and rigorous self-discipline, and to provide a vehicle to develop those concepts. 

 To make the athletic program a source of both school and community pride.

 1. Help each athlete to interact positively with faculty, community and fellow students

2. Make the team a positive influence on all who encounter it.

3. To demonstrate the social competence of operating within a set of rules, thus gaining a respect for the rights of others, and an understanding that penalties follow rule violations.